up and coming events
An Exhibition of the History of Stickney has been organised to be held in the Village Hall on the 9th & 10th September 2023.
On display will be the censuses for Stickney & many of the surrounding villages and over 800 photographs. Baptisms, Burials & Marriages, records of Stickney and other local Churches and many newspaper cuttings from the village past. There are many booklets about the history of Beer houses, Shops, and the numerous trades that once thrived in the parish, and a display of over 100 letter heads, trade bills & much more.
It is open from 10am until 6pm on both days with free admission. Light homemade refreshments will be available. We would always appreciate old photos to copy or anything to do with the history of Stickney.
Address - Village Hall, Hall Lane, Stickney, PE228BA
For directions to Stickney Village Hall, please click here.
Contact: Martin Gosling on 01205 480641
previous events
Once again the Stickney History exhibition proved very popular. More than 350 people attended over the two day period. There were visitors from far and wide including an American couple who came from France, researching their family name of Stickney. Others travelled from Essex, Derbyshire and Nottingham as well as many local people.
From the feedback forms the general consensus was that everyone found the exhibition very interesting and many gained much information. The donations of £350 were given to Lincs and Nottingham Air Ambulance and the Stickney Village Hall committee.
Martin and Bev would like to thank all who came and supported their event.

Council Backtracks Over Plots

"I visited your exhibition on September 11th. Very interesting, and you'd all obviously put in a lot of work.
Thank you.
Nice cake too!"
- Dave Butler
"I attended your History Exhibition at Stickney on Sunday 12th September and gained a lot of knowledge about my family history. I was amazed at how much information etc.. you had out on show, you must have put a lot of hard work into making it such a success. "
"...Thank you for all the help and advice I recieved."
- Sid Woodthorpe
history on display
Sarah Gosling, Bev Gosling and Martin Gosling examine an old map of the area at Stickney History day.

in the press
The 2011 Stickney History Event raised £345 for local charities. This was divided between The Lincolnshire and Nottingham Air Ambulance (£170), St Luke's Church, Stickney (£75) and Stickney Village Hall Committee (£100). We would like to thank everyone who made a contribution.

previous events

stickney revisits it's history
Nick Gosling and Pete Peall reflect on an old school photograph.

stickney takes a trip back through history
Sarah Gosling, Bev Gosling and Martin Gosling at Stickney History day.